For Facebook the business of the future is female.
Small and medium sized enterprises represent the backbone of the Italian economy and amongst these, one in five (21.8%), is a female enterprise.
Small and medium sized enterprises represent the backbone of the Italian economy and amongst these, one in five (21.8%), is a female enterprise.
Le piccole e medie imprese rappresentano la spina dorsale dell’economia italiana e tra queste, una su cinque (il 21,8%), è un’impresa femminile.
The Web has undoubtedly changed the life of people for different aspects and has countless advantages that make it unique and inimitable, one in particular is the fact that for the users it is free.
Il mondo del web ha indubbiamente cambiato la vita delle persone per diversi aspetti e possiede innumerevoli pregi che lo rendono unico ed inimitabile, uno in particolare è il fatto che, per chi ne usufruisce, sia gratis.