A trip in 2030 discovering the emerging new professional positions

What are the professions that in 20 years are likely to be the most widespread in the industrialized countries?

According to the forecasts of some of the main study centres in the employment sector, first of all the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor, the most advanced sectors will undoubtedly be those with high technological content and those linked to the green economy. But even the traditional personal care will develop strongly, due to the population aging.

Let’s start with three certainties, this is what the experts forecast at least:

1. Throughout one’s whole life, at least two or three different jobs will be done

2. Many of these jobs do not exist today, while some current professions, such as the bank employee, the postman or the call center operator, are destined to disappear

3. The key to the future will be adaptability, because everything in the global market is constantly changing.

«Space tour guide» or «Philosopher of ethics of the new sciences»?

No, much simpler: the first place in the  ranking of the 50 most requested jobs in the future is occupied by the nurse. Not a new profession, but certain. The entire personal care sector is expected to be as one of two occupational hubs by 20 years. Not only due to the population aging, but to other solid grounds: support for the health care insurance and investments in scientific research, from drugs to machinery, from robotics to biotechnology.

They will develop:

«Home carer», who will provide senior citizens with assistance at home;

«Experimental therapist», who will propose alternative treatments to patients;

«Memory augmentation surgeon», the doctor who will help senior citizens to conserve memory;

«Body part maker», who will produce limbs or tissues in the laboratory to rebuild the human body;

«Nano-doctor», who will create health monitoring micro-implants or self-medication of patients;

«Bioinformationist», the scientist who will combine genetics with the development of medicines and clinical therapies;

«Geomicrobiologist», who will study how microorganisms can give new drugs or fight pollution.

And in addition:

«Compcierge», the hotel porter trained for computer failure;

«Broadband architect», an electrician of the future capable of organizing interactive internet content on home television;

«Digital architect», evolution of today’s architect who will design virtual buildings

«Energy manager», who shall cut consumption in public, private and corporate buildings

«Traceability manager», who will study the entire supply chain to avoid buying too polluting products

«Cloud controller», who will verify the ability to reflect the solar radiation of clouds above our heads

«Personal brander», a kind of consultant to build and manage ourselves as a quality brand

“How will the future managers be? They will have to know the business always better and know how to make the most of it. In a single word, they should have more and more transversal skills and manage the interculturality and intergenerationality of the workforce too. They will also have to continually stimulate innovation processes being thus not only managers, but also entrepreneurs “.

The American forecasts, updated every two years, follow a methodology that crosses education, training, professional experience and economic areas, assuming a balanced market, and they have proved to be reliable over time (in the event of no recessions or unexpected shocks).

It remains in the hands of politicians to decide which stimulating measures should be launched, with regard to the work agencies for training, the universities for adapting the offer through new courses and, finally, the families and children for choosing work.
